Tuesday, December 27, 2011

God is so Good!

So here is the latest update on our adoption process. First off, we have been blown away by the support of family & friends. God has been more gracious than we deserve. The first payment has been paid and we have had our first home study meeting. It is amazing how God always provides when He calls you to do something. This has been so true with our adoption and The 1418 Project. I'll share more about The 1418 Project later. God has provided funds to cover the expenses for the adoption so far, which is a huge blessing. Family & friends have busted their tails to help raise funds. I could not imagine going through this process without them.

Our first Home Study meeting went very well. Andrea Germany, our Social Worker, is an incredibly unpretentious and down to earth person. For some reason I had in my head that all social workers would be pretentious and would have unreasonable expectations. What we found in Andrea was someone who LOVES adoption and LOVES helping adoptive parents through the process. Most of my fears about the Home Study process were alleviated during our meeting. For Christmas, Lauren (little sister) got us some handmade necklaces for me, Christen, mom & herself. The older I get, the more I cry. I about lost it when I realized that the necklaces were a project that took Lauren months to pull off. She started with the video that Christen posted a while back, fought my mom over who was doing the necklaces and then tricked us all into thinking Mom was still doing them when in reality Lauren got us each a necklace.

If you want to help us with the adoption process here are a few ways.
2. Donate, buy Mary Kay or Ugandan Necklaces.
3. Get me to come speak at some Student Ministry event or something of the sort (all speaking money goes to adoption)
4. PRAY If you have helped so far in any way, THANK YOU! Thanks for taking time to read.


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